UFO sinks fishing boat

The Portsmouth-registered ‘Fin Ar Bed’ was in 114 metres of water when she hit an Unidentified Floating Object and sank 45 minutes later

Robots help shape weather

In a concept not that far removed from those of futuristic movies, thousands of robots will be taking to the oceans to help provide better weather forecasts

Anchor scoops Innovation 2001 award

First prize in this year's Innovations 2001 competition has been awarded to French anchor manufacturer Mondiale Plaisance Industrie

British Waterways and the Environment Agency have welcomed a decision by the UK government not to change current navigation responsibilities

The Marine Equipment Trade Show (METS) held from November 13-15 in Amsterdam, attracted a total of 12,934 visitors, 10 per cent more than last year

Sailor missing after yachting accident

Almost twenty-four hours after a yacht collided with a towline between a barge and a tug north of Auckland, New Zealand, there is still no word on the fate of…

ybw has obtained a copy of the letter sent to creditors of Trident Marine UK Ltd

UK clothing manufacturer Gill has said it is to do away with 'branded' fabrics in a bid to drive the cost of its products down