Yachting Monthly

Many yachts are making lighter work of the Round the Island race as they enter the calmer waters of the Solent, but the Navigators and General/ybw.com entry with YM’s editor…

Contents: July 2001

Features Rescue remedies Engine breakdowns cause the RNLI headaches and private recovery service Sea Start profit. Dick Durham investigates. Plus 10 top tips to prevent engine failure In at the…

Preview: July 2001

Cruising Calvados Country Pt 2 David Jefferson explores the Normandy Harbours east of Cherbourg in the Baie de Seine

Contents: June 2001

Features Killer containers Dick Durham investigates the scandal of lost shipping containers which litter the oceans The golden touch Editor Sarah Norbury goes for gold with Shirley Robertson and learns…

Preview: June 2001

Beware of the Bugiman Thies Matzen, owner of Eric Hiscock's venerable wooden Wanderer III, sails to Indonesia...

Contents: May 2001

Features WIN a laptop! The ultimate electronic charting system in YM’s competition The great escape Matthew Power’s boss gives him an eight week sabbatical and then joins him for a…