Navigational tips and beauty spots around the south-east coast of the Isle of Wight.
Whitecliff Bay

At the southeast corner of Culver Cliff is the tiny Horseshoe Bay, which forms at high water. Approach is not recommended as the bottom is strewn with rocks and flint but you can see The Nostrils, two caves at the base of the cliff. Lying off, in line with the southern edge of the cliff, you can also see Shag Rock, which is nearly covered at high water but visible the rest of the time. Whitecliff Ledge lies south of Whitecliff Bay, dries out 200m from the cliff. Stay 600m off to ensure 5m soundings. Whitecliff Bay is a good anchorage with a sandy bottom but it can get quite rolly if the wind gets up and you are overlooked by a caravan park.
At the northern end of Whitecliff Bay, you need to stay at least 700m
offshore because of Black Rock Ledge in the south, then Long Ledge and
Bembridge Ledge itself in the north.
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