Theo Stocker

Dick Durham

Britain’s last sailing ship can be manoeuvred singlehanded without an engine, so why does she need one now?

Sailing Skills Expert on board: Perfect sail power for any weather Use your electronics to make a chart so you know when to change sail plan Practical seamanship: Stepping up…


Shiny new gadgets that talk to each other are just too much to resist for Jonty Pearce, as he gives into temptation once more

Sailing Skills Expert On Board: How to prepare for offhsore cruising 28 tips for your boat and crew from a man who’s sailed 350,000 miles Learning curve Dazed and confused…

Offshore passage skipper

It’s easy to keep sailing in familiar waters, but a longer passage will connect you to the true spirit of seafaring, says Libby Purves


Separating fact from fiction isn’t easy when it comes to Erksine Childers, but I’ve been inspired to follow in his wake, says Dick Durham