Quirky History is a funny, sideways glance at moments of British history, and would make a perfect gift for all ages, says Julia Jones
Julia Jones
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Book Review: Crossing the Thames Estuary
Crossing the Thames Estuary is the definitive guide to navigating this stretch of water. A must read for East Coast sailors, says Julia Jones
Book review: Flight of the Shearwater
Flight of the Shearwater is the second volume in the Sturmtacher Trilogy and doesn't disappoint, says Julia Jones
Sailors’ Vegan Cookbook: Book review
The Sailors' Vegan Cookbook has recipes to satisfy any sailor's dietary requirement, and rightly deserves a place on your boat's book shelf
Introduction to Yacht Design: book review
Introduction to Yacht Design explains the characteristics of boat design in a straightforward and understandable manner. Reading it would benefit most boat owners
Alistair MacLean’s War: book review
Alistair MacLean's War is a fascinating delve into the writer's time in the Navy between 1941-1954, an experience which inspired many of his novels
Heavy Weather Sailing: book review
Considered by many to be one of the most important books to have onboard, this latest edition of Heavy Weather Sailing deserves a place on your bookshelf, says Julia Jones
Second World War books: the best reads for sailors
Second World War books with sailing and boats at their heart have long fascinated and enthralled many sailors. We share our favourites
Sea Sagas of the North: book review
Sea Sagas of the North is a challenging book, looking at the effects of global warming on communities, with a touch of Old Norse and Icelandic legend
Blokes up North: book review
This honest account of sailing a 17’ open boat through the Canadian Arctic Archipelago is throughly enjoyable and a must read, says Julia Jones