Not all yachties are wealthy city folk with money to throw around. Keen sailors of all backgrounds and financial status manage to buy, berth and maintain their boats on a…
Sailing in lightning: how to keep your yacht safe
How much of a concern is a lightning strike to a yacht and what can we do about it? Nigel Calder looks at what makes a full ‘belt and braces’…
Saving fuel when under engine for greater efficiency
Slower isn’t necessarily more efficient when motoring. Christopher Smith explains why
Green boating: tips for eco friendly sailing
The RYA published its Carbon Pathway to Zero document in July 2021, outlining its vision for zero-carbon boating by 2050. How can we alleviate our own emissions and waste?
Marine protected areas: how the rules benefit sailors
Should sailors welcome or be worried by the expanding network of marine protected areas? asks Elaine Bunting
Storm tactics at anchor: Surviving gales in Scilly
Ken Endean shelters from Storm Evert on the Isles of Scilly and reflects on storm tactics at anchor and on moorings
Busting the hull speed myth
Waterline length is not the defining factor in maximum boat speed that we all think it is. Julian Wolfram busts the hull speed myth
What does boat insurance cover?
What does boat insurance cover and why do boat owners need it? Mike Taylor reveals what lies behind this outlay
Encounters with orcas & how to protect your boat
Andy Pag explores why orcas have been damaging yachts off Spain, Portugal and Gibraltar, and how to protect your boat
HF radio or sat comms? Communication at sea
Barry Pickthall considers the best options for communications at sea where even the most modern boat might look to old technology for answers