The Indian Navy is expected to salvage Abhilash Tomy's dismasted yacht, Thuriya. The injured Golden Globe Race skipper was evacuated by the crew of a French patrol boat
Heavy weather sailing: everything you need to know
Golden Globe Race: 10 left as Lepage docks at Cape Town
French sailor Loïc Lepage has pulled into Cape Town to replenish water supplies and make repairs, leaving just 10 skippers left in the main race
Golden Globe Race: Leader Van Den Heede predicts 03 October stop at Hobart
Golden Globe Race leader Jean-Luc Van Den Heede believes he will reach the Hobart Gate by the beginning of October
Golden Globe Race: Norwegian Are Wiig dismasted after yacht rolled 360°
Are Wiig is now setting up a jury rig after his yacht, Olleanna rolled 360° and dismasted in heavy weather
‘We should have turned back when the storm hit’
Adam Dunlop and his wife Maria learned a few hard lessons when their engine started to struggle mid-Channel in worse conditions than forecast
‘What I learned deploying my series drogue in a gale’
Steve Brown found his series drogue a big asset when riding out foul weather in one of the world's most inhospitable sailing grounds
Golden Globe Race: a navigator’s view
Sailing weather expert Chris Tibbs looks at what lies ahead for the skippers