If you want to sail out of season then careful thought needs to be given about winter sailing gear. Rachael Sprot explains how to keep you and your boat comfortable
Best digital weather stations for home use
Virtually all barometers are now electronic and many are now complete digital weather stations capable of providing extensive meteorological data, the likes of which only a professional forecaster would have…
How it works: The diesel engine: The 4-stroke cycle
Understanding how your diesel engine works is key to knowing how to look after it, and fix it when it goes wrong. In the first of this series, we look…
Best boat seat cleaner: 8 ways to spruce up vinyl, leather or canvas
So, you’ve spent the winter cleaning your hull, polishing it with boat wax, brightening your brightwork and restoring the gleam to your handrails. Now back in the water, the engine…
How to install lithium boat batteries
With ever-increasing power demands on today’s cruising yachts, Duncan Kent looks at lithium boat batteries and explains what’s needed to guarantee a safe and trouble-free system
Sailors’ Vegan Cookbook: Book review
The Sailors' Vegan Cookbook has recipes to satisfy any sailor's dietary requirement, and rightly deserves a place on your boat's book shelf
Best waterproof jackets and salopettes for offshore sailors
The biggest storm should be water off a duck’s back in these rugged offshore waterproofs. The YM team put six oilskins to the test to see which perform best
Introduction to Yacht Design: book review
Introduction to Yacht Design explains the characteristics of boat design in a straightforward and understandable manner. Reading it would benefit most boat owners
Alistair MacLean’s War: book review
Alistair MacLean's War is a fascinating delve into the writer's time in the Navy between 1941-1954, an experience which inspired many of his novels
Heavy Weather Sailing: book review
Considered by many to be one of the most important books to have onboard, this latest edition of Heavy Weather Sailing deserves a place on your bookshelf, says Julia Jones