Reefing: how, when and why do we do it? The answers may not be as straightforward as you think, says James Jermain
Practical seamanship
Collision with a trawler
Anchored off Boulogne with a disabled engine, Richard Brown thought the worst was over. Then his yacht was in collision with a trawler…
How to plan and execute night pilotage
James Stevens stands by as Nikki Abbott tackles her first night pilotage as skipper
Are shipping containers a real risk to cruisers?
Some sink straight away, others drift for months. If you hit one, it can sink your boat. Dick Durham investigates if containers are a real risk to cruisers
How to sail an Atlantic circuit
Sam and Alexandra Fortescue share the knowledge and experience they gained on a one-year Atlantic circuit from the UK to the Caribbean, and back home via New York
How to avoid diesel bug
Diesel bug can clog filters, wreck engines, corrode fuel tanks, and leave you powerless at sea. Ben Sutcliffe explains how to keep your diesel clean
Skipper’s tips – Stop the rolling
Tom Cunliffe has assessed hundreds of sailors for the RYA Yachtmaster exam. He shares a few skipper's tips with us...
How to plan and sail a passage round a headland
James Stevens stands by as Yachtmaster Coastal Laura McLachlan attempts to plan, sail and skipper her first passage round a headland
How to enjoy winter cruising
Why waste half the year laid up ashore? Rob Peake and Chris Beeson look at kit and ideas to show you how to enjoy winter cruising
Skipper’s tips – What if…?
Tom Cunliffe has assessed hundreds of sailors for the RYA Yachtmaster exam. He shares a few skipper's tips with us...