When you first start to learn about yacht navigation it can seem complex and pretty nuanced, but in reality what you are doing falls into two overarching styles. The first…

Discovering the unknown and finding places you have never been to before is one of the greatest appeals of sailing beyond our home waters. Entering unfamiliar harbours can, however, be…

Electrical systems and electronics have become such an essential part of our normal lives that it’s hard to imagine life without them. Those good old days when there was a…

Boat navigation - a man in a black lifejacket sailing a boat with a chart in front of him

Good seamanship starts with excellent navigation skills. Yachting Monthly experts share their top tips for a smooth passage

A man using paper charts to navigate on a boat

The UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) has announced it will stop producing Admiralty paper charts by late 2026 to increase its focus on its digital navigation products and services