You can’t beat a good day’s trolling, (on a boat, that is, not the web), unless, of course, your trolling motor lets you down and you’re left huffing and puffing…
Best trolling motors: 8 electric outboard alternatives
So you’re looking for an electric outboard to whizz your RIB around the harbour. Who wouldn’t want a fancy Torqeedo to hang off your transom? But at £1,450 and up,…
Books for sailors: our pick of the best new releases
Yachting Monthly literary contributor Julia Jones reviews all the latest new releases to pick the best books for sailors this summer
Diesels Afloat: book review of the second edition
This practical, hands-on guide for troubleshooting your diesel engine problems is highly recommended, says Julia Jones
Best coffee makers for boats: 10 top options tested at sea
Coffee is the world’s break fluid and there can’t be a high street in the land without somewhere that can fix you a ‘tall, skinny, extra-hot, split quad-shot latte with…
The Gathering Storm: book review
The Gathering Storm examines the impact of the Holocaust on the sailing family, the Kastners and their valued servants, the Nussbaums in the town of Kiel. A compelling read, says…
Reeds Cloud Handbook: book review
Reeds Cloud Handbook is a comprehensive pocket guide, and deserves a place in your sailing library onboard, says Julia Jones
From Pole to Pole: book review
From Pole to Pole is a fascinating account of the life of maverick sailor and explorer, Quintin Riley, says Claudia Myatt
Holding Fast: review of Susan Cole’s new book
Susan Cole's Holding Fast is a moving account of a sailing marriage, with all the highs and lows of pitching seas, says Julia Jones
Adlard Coles Shore Guide: Channel Coast of France – book review
Adlard Coles Shore Guide: Channel Coast of France is a good starting point for exploring a new French port this summer, says Julia Jones