'Chance' round Pigeon Island

Sailing across an ocean, there are myriad sail plans to choose from to power you across an ocean. We spoke to six ARC 2014 finishers to find out what works

You’re about to leave the boat. As you remove the log impeller, the whole fitting comes away and water gushes in. Chris Beeson finds out what to do next

Springing on and off

A length of rope and a fender can turn tricky manoeuvres into a piece of cake. Tom Cunliffe explains springing on and off a dock

Crash Test Boat - sinking

You’ve hit something and you’re holed. What do you do next? Chris Beeson and the Crash Test crew smash a hole in the hull to test 10 ways of saving…

Crash Test Boat - Jury Rig

After finding out what it’s like to be dismasted, Chris Beeson and the Crash Test Boat crew explore how to jury rig the remaining wreckage to sail back to safety…

'Peter von Seestermuhe' starting the ARC 2015

Sailing an ocean – your questions answered: ‘I’ve never sailed the Atlantic before but I have a boat. Should I crew first or am I okay to skipper?’ Jeremy Wyatt,…

'Grace' with Old Law Sands behind

The Bahamian moor is a useful way of anchoring in strong tides, but it takes some practice, as Theo Stocker discovers

Crash Test Boat - Dismasting

What do you do when your sailing world crashes round your ears? Chris Beeson and the Crash Test crew created a ‘controlled’ dismasting in a gale and put eight rig-cutting…

Crash Test Boat - Capsize

What really happens during a capsize? How can we make the saloon safer? Chris Beeson and the Crash Test Boat crew recreate a capsize with chilling results