But for one day only

Morse code is suddenly back in fashion. Even the world’s most popular search engine has got in on the dit-dah act. Visitors to the Google home page this morning were greeted with the code ‘–. — — –. .-.. .’ instead of the usual logo.

The resurgence of Morse code is likely to be shortlived, however. Google posted it on its home page to mark the birthday of Samuel Finley Breese Morse, the inventor of the single wire telegraph, who was born on April 27, 1791. Morse was a talented painter who was admitted into the Royal Academy before he invented the code, in 1832, after meeting an expert in electromagnetism on a sea voyage.

So we here at YM say: ‘…. .- .–. .–. -.– / -… .. .-. – …. -.. .- -.– / … .- — ..- . .-.. / — — .-. … .’

If you’re a little rusty, then use the Morse Code translator here .