Although I do not necessarily feel any pressing need for refreshment, Continual Professional Development (CPD) requires me to attend an annual GP Refresher Course. At least the one at which…

Dick Durham

There are any number of DIY weather forecasting manuals and all of them train us up the same way. There’s the overview: the plan of a weather system with its…

As a Brummie, I feel qualified to reproduce a shortened version of this very bad Black Country joke as an opener to this whimsy. Having been made redundant, Enoch and…

Jonty Pearce

Finally for the first time this season we achieved: Getting out of Milford Haven and going further than St Ann’s Head lighthouse Raising all the flappy bits and enjoying a…

Jonty Pearce

When our noble editor first suggested that I wrote a blog I must admit that I declined, partly from a Ludditic stance of not knowing what a blog actually was,…

I don’t much like change. In fact, working as an NHS GP, I have a severe case of change fatigue. If something works, why change it? All too many Ministers…

Jonty Pearce

I always enjoy the Southampton Boat Show. I still have a childhood memory of the excitement of Earl’s Court when, taken along as company for my best friend, we gawped…

I had a book, How to Sail. Every day I went through it and memorised names and mentally practiced the ritual of getting under sail. The armchair sailors in the…

We lowered our Southerly 105 into the waters of the Weaver Navigation at Northwich in 2009, and she has not been lifted out since. We had taken the wise step…

Sixty-two days out from Tocopilla, Chile, the Pitlochry, a four-masted barque, 319ft long, was off Terschelling, having breasted a Force 8 gale up the English Channel dashing along at 16…