Gerry Hughes finishing his circumnavigation of the world

Gerry Hughes is the first deaf sailor to solo circumnavigate the world. Katy Stickland finds out what motivates him to push the boundaries

Two sailors on the deck of their yacht rounding Cape Horn

Taylor Grieger and Stephen O’Shea faced pirates, navigated the 
Furious Fifties and came to blows during a life-changing voyage from Florida around Cape Horn

Jon Sanders has circumnavigated the world 11 times. Elaine Bunting finds out what drives him to keep seeking out the solace of the sea

YAchts can go further afield when sailing Scotland with the Scottish islands of Harris at Loch Rodel offering a quiet anchorage

Whether you’ve just got a few days to explore the West Coast, or the open North Atlantic is calling, Scotland’s sea routes offer almost endless options says Brian Black…