More footage of boat carnage

Last Friday, Telltales reported on the outrage a film documenting the last hours of a small sailing yacht had provoked on Youtube. The film, Bonzai … Farewell Old Friend, showed the vessel being driven to a breakers yard and then savagely demolished to the sound of occasional laughter. Such was the surprise enthusiasm among visitors for the morbid item – it received 1,000 hits over the weekend alone – that Telltales has sourced another one for your grizzly delectation.

This film comes from the United States. It is called, simply, Sailboat Demolition, and has the subtitle ‘This is how we destroy boats in Cortez, Florida’. In the opening shots our eager breaker reveals that he is to use a yellow tractor to visit the carnage upon the – it has to be said – less-than good ship Terra Ceia and even installs a second camera within the vessel to offer viewers a saloon point-of-view shot as the tractor bucket crashes through the hull. At one point the breaker even gets his tractor up on rear wheels only in his relish for the job in hand. Enjoy!