Sailors are warned to check their boats before the weekend as a Force 9 gale is expected
Theo Stocker
Jonty Pearce: Super moon
As we witness the closest approach of the moon to earth in decades, Jonty Pearce wonders whether it could explain some strange behaviour...
Jonty Pearce: Jobs that have no end
Acquiring an orchard has kept Jonty Pearce on land with seemingly endless jobs, but is it so different from winter maintenance? he asks
December 2016
See what’s inside our December 2016 issue here… Sailing Skills Expert On Board: Skills you need to cruise overseas Chris Beeson finds out how to get your ICC and why…
Jonty Pearce: Winter migration
Jonty Pearce and his pontoon mates are made homeless for the winter when a howling gale necessitates some marina repairs
Jonty Pearce: A star-lit night at anchor
The beauty of the night sky from an anchored yacht fills Jonty Pearce with awe, but it also shines on when we're not afloat
Jonty Pearce: Mr Blobby on a stick, or ‘The art of mast climbing’
Some of us are better suited than others to being hoisted aloft, as Jonty Pearce discovered, but good team work and thorough preparation make mast-head jobs go smoothly
Jonty Pearce – Sprayhoods and cockpit covers
When it comes to cost, it all depends on the kind of sailing you do and your willingness to be self-sufficient, says Jonty Pearce
Heading for home from the high Arctic in a leaking boat
In a bitter north-east wind accompanied by flurries of snow we watched the desolate coast recede. By now, even on this coast, all the ice had vanished, all but…
Tom Cunliffe November 2016 Podcast
Insurance seems like a waste of money, but it only needs to go wrong once and you’ll wish you had it, says Tom Cunliffe