James Stevens explains which skills are best to perfect while you have plenty of time to do so. This week: locating and cleaning the strumbox
Practical seamanship
Enjoying life in harness
In a sideways look at safety, Ken Endean explores ways to wear a harness and stay safe onboard without the usual discomfort and inconvenience
How to use a tender safely
Are you kitted out for tender travel? Chris Beeson reminds you what you need and why
What difference does fouling make?
Freshening up your anti-fouling at the start of each season is a tedious necessity, but necessity it certainly is. Chris Beeson explains why
My solo Transatlantic in a 27ft cruiser
James Muggoch learns the hard way that solo Transatlantic cruising is all about practice, more practice, and yet more practice
How keel type affects performance
James Jermain looks at the main keel types, their typical performance and the pros and cons of each
‘How self steering could have saved my yacht’
The moment his beloved yacht sank in the North Sea, Julian Mustoe started thinking about ways he could avoid it happening again
How to stay on deck and avoid MOB
Even clipped on, you can still go over the side. Chris Beeson finds out how a few simple changes can help us to move safely on deck
How to understand a sea breeze
On a day of light winds, taking advantage of the sea breeze can make all the difference to a coastal passage, says Ken Endean
How to anchor under sail
Can you set and weigh anchor under sail, without turning the ignition key? Tom Cunliffe demonstrates a handy cruising skill