Inside the March 2023 issue of Yachting Monthly: the YM team took to the Solent in 40 knot winds to find out how best to cope with heavy weather sailing and bring you a full guide to preparing your boat for facing big conditions.
We bring you the remarkable story of Kenichi Horie an incredible Japanese sailor who has been setting record for 60 years, and the story of a cruise around the north island of New Zealand.
All this plus our usual gear, technology and cruising community stories and much more.
Sailing Skills
Heavy weather: The YM team gets ready for a blow, and then tries it for real
Drying out: How to dry out alongside and save serious money on mid-season lift outs
Skippers’ tips: Barometer reading | Night watch routines | Ferry surprises
A question of seamanship: How would you get out of this tight berth?
Learning Curve: The good, the bad and the ugly of buying a second-hand boat
Around New Zealand: A cruise in company to discover the North Island
Kenichi Horie: Japan’s incredible sailor setting records for over 60 years
Your cruising stories: A beat around the toe of Italy | Brittany and the Channel
Upriver to Barnstaple: Get inspired to get off the beaten track and do some of your own exploring
Gear and boats
Parker 325 on test: An affordable lift-keel performance cruiser over 30 feet is a rare beast, but we liked it
New 50 footers: We take a look at four new luxury cruisers, including the Hanse 510 and Arcona 50
Waterproof trousers: We take a look at four of the latest products on the market, plus a host of other cool electronics and deck gear
Hot water: It’s easier than you think to add the luxury of hot water on board
Engine cooling: Understanding how direct and indirect cooling work
Editor’s letter: Serious fun
News: Water quality | GGR drama to the finish | LW shipping forecast to end
Letters: Lunchtime mooring fees | Third reefs | In-mast furling | Hacksaws
Pete Goss: Traditional inflatables
Dick Durham: A watery graveyard
Libby Purves: Sail away from the sea
Cruising community: Provident reborn | Beer barge | Colonsay moorings
Books: Sea Legs, Guy Grieve
Confessional: A right royal salute