The Round the Island Race 2022 is a great day out, even for those of us who typically steer clear of a race course. But how do you get round the course safely among 1000s of other yachts? We take a look at the famous course.
The Round the Island Race is something of a unique event in the sporting calendar and is one of the largest mass-participation events in the UK. There are few sports or pastimes that allow everyday folk to compete against professionals and Olympic medalists on an equal footing, but the Round the Island race 2022 will see this happening as 1000s of amateur sailors take part against some of sailing’s top professionals.
But putting the number of participants and the rock-star sailors to one side, the Round the Island Race is simply a cracking day out on the water. Few things can compare to the sight of 1000s of boats heading west down the Solent towards the Needles and that sight is particularly stunning from within the fleet itself.
Although regular racers will usually take part in the race and some big boats will be out looking to set new course records, a significant number of those taking part every year have either never raced before, or very rarely race.
For those of us less used to the cut and thrust of yacht racing, the number of boats in a small area of water all vying for position can be somewhat intimidating, but it is worth remembering that although the RTIR is a race (and trying to get the better of those boats around you is a major part of the fun) in truth most are there for an enjoyable day out and understand the racing is not too serious.
Starting the Round the Island Race 2022
Before looking at the Round the Island Race 2022 course, the first tricky part of the race to be negotiated is the start.
Typically the startline runs from the Island Sailing club, sitting towards the eastern end of Cowes’ high street and runs out to an outer distance mark in the Solent itself.
Although 1000s of craft take part in the racing each year, the fleet as a whole is split into more manageable sized classes with boats of similarly matched sailing speeds grouped together.
As such the start is not quite as hectic as it would be were everyone to set off at exactly the same time. But that still represents a large number with which to share the same piece of water, so things can get a little spicy.
The absolute key to the Round the Island Race is keeping clear air. And happily for those not used to racing that largely means staying clear of other traffic.
To this end try to start clear of the bulk of the fleet – who may well all be fighting tooth and nail for the favoured end of the line.
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If you manage to find a decent lane of clear air, you should do everything you can to maintain it. This often means, even if you have right of way over another boat, it is usually worth bearing off to go behind them when crossing upwind – and this is true downwind too.
To prevent too much traffic bunching together the fleet starts go from fastest boats to slowest boats. This can lead to the slightly odd position that the fastest boat of the day can occasionally be on their way back up the solent towards the finish before the slowest boats have even set off.
But it does make like much easier as it is unlikely you will have to worry about too many boats in those fleets starting behind you catching up. It also means that over the first hour or so of racing the fleet has usually got a pretty good spread, so just staying out of trouble at the start should be your goal. You can focus on racing the boats around you a bit more once you’re further down the Solent.
If you are beating off the startline, try to have someone to leeward on the headsail sheet for the early part of the race so you can easily ease sheets and duck behind others. Make your intentions clear from a long way out from any crossing and let other boats know of your intentions.
The same applies downwind too, ignore tide, ignore right of way, ignore all other considerations, just try to keep some clear air over and above all else.
West Solent and Hurst Narrows
Although clear air is your key consideration, particularly in the early part of the race, there are some good rules of thumb to follow. Early on the tide should be under you, so try to stay in the deep water channel where possible.
Tidal complexity in the Solent is well covered with a double high tide and short duration ebb. There are whole books out there looking into the tidal complexities of the area.
In very light, northerly winds it can pay to take the north shore, but as this is such a rarity, it is best to discount this option and stick to the channel and the Island north shore.
Round The Needles
This is probably the most famous – and typically most feared – part of the race. It’s almost cliche to mention it, but don’t tangle with the Varvassi wreck near the Needles themselves, however inviting cutting the corner might seem. The four separate hunks of the wreck are difficult to place, so unless you really know what you are doing, keep clear.
Most will know to avoid the wreck, but a common error is to give too much space. If you overstand the Needles, you’ll often end up swept west by the tide, and the problem is exacerbated by the clump of boats rafted up trying to squeeze round the inside route, creating a windshadow beyond the Needles themselves.
Be cautious, but try to avoid falling into the trap of giving too much space and sailing far, far further than you need to. This is a natural compression point for the fleet, so often you can find yourself closing in on a number of boats who are going slowly. Remember you can ease your sails to slow down as you look for a suitable gap, and this can be preferable to trying to take the outside route.
This can also be one of the first of a series of tidal gates. The ideal race-winning rounding of the Island will see boats get to the corners of the Isle of Wight just as the tide changes and thus seeing fair tide the whole way around – it’s for this reason that in some conditions the race is so regularly won on handicap by some of the smallest boats in the fleet.
There’s little you can do if you don’t quite make a corner before the tide changes, but it is worth knowing what time the changes are and, if it’s looking tight, really focussing on making it around any corner as soon as possible.
South-west side and St Catherine’s point
Rock ledges are the main feature of this part of the course, and from Hanover Point to Atherfield Ledge they extend a good distance out into the channel from the island. It often pays to take an inshore route, but an echo sounder won’t help you in the approach to some significant ledges, such as Hardman Rock or Atherfield Ledge with their steep sides making for very sudden changes in depth.

Credit: Ian Roman
The coast is rock-bound from Rocken End via St Catherine’s Point to Dunnose Point and there are many offliers. Try to find a route that keeps your wind clear, minimises any adverse tide and gives a sensible margin over unexpected rocks. Watch out for serious overfalls in strong winds.
Sandown Bay and Bembridge Ledge
In light airs, the wind can become quite complex as you cross Sandown Bay. Many people are tempted to sail close to the shore as there is less tide, but often there is better breeze out in the stronger tide offshore, so consider this option in light wind races.
If you did choose to go close into Sandown Bay, you’ll want to head out into the channel fairly early as it very rarely pays to go close to Bembridge Ledge itself – though try not to overstand the buoy, which is a mark of the course. Once round the buoy, focus again on finding clear air, as this can often be a challenge at this pinch point where the fleet converges again.
Ryde Sands and Castle Point
You can stay out of the tide by sailing into the shallows of Ryde Sands and there is often a good benefit to be found by doing so, but you want to be mindful that you don’t run aground, for ease of mind try to keep a boat of a similar size inside your line in the hope they will give you early warning should grounding be likely. Once past Sandshead Post, the bottom shelves steeply – so keep an especially wary eye on the echosounder here, and consider heading out into the tide a little early, even if this means giving up some speed.

Credit: Paul Wyeth
Generally, it pays to go in close at Castle Point, but if there’s a lot of south in the wind, there’ll be no wind under the point at all. Again it is easy to get sucked into the windless spot before you realise it and the slow sail out is a frustrating experience. Much better to give the bay plenty of room.
In South Westerly winds, you may well find that the breeze increases significantly after Castle Point as the funnelling effect along the Solent comes into force.
The finish
There is a temptation to relax once Cowes is once again within sight but you still have a fair bit of sailing to do. And this last section can take longer than you think. Try to manage your crew’s expectations as people will be tired by this time and ready for that post-race beer. Alert crews can gain many places in the last two or three tacks simply by keeping their wits about them and there is nothing more thrilling than stealing a few places at the finish.
And then enjoy that beer or G&T and reflect on a fun day out for all.
The Round the Island Race 2022 is due to take place on Saturday 25 June. See the website for more information.
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