Polish boatyards for the UK?


Many years ago I did some casual reporting shifts on The Sun newspaper when its office was in Bouverie Street just off Fleet Street itself. One of the reporters there told me that as he commuted in daily he looked down on the warrens of houses as his train pulled into Euston and stared. ‘I can’t get over the fact that The Sun – with my by-line on it – is being pushed through more of those letter -boxes than any other newspaper,’ he said.

Today as I ride in on my own commuter train there are more copies of The Sun left in the carriages for the cleaners than any other journal. One of the reasons for this is the organ has been lucky in its choice of editors: they have all had their finger on the pulse of the British, Kelvin MacKenzie being the greatest scorceror of the nation’s psyche.

Which is why I do not believe the Poles are going home as has been reported in other newspapers, because this week The Sun started printing a Polish edition.

And is also why I’m betting that we will see, before too long, a Polish boat-building business starting up in the UK. After all they make very good shoal draught yachts and there are only so many doors to hang and skirtings to fix.