When your boat is out of commission during the winter, use this time to upgrade and maybe add value to it

At what sort of age do boats typically undergo refits?

There is no typical age. We have a huge variety of yachts come in for refit work here for all sorts of reasons. Some classic yachts demand major overhauls; other newer yachts may just be in for pit stops following extended cruising or with new owners applying their own ideas.


What is the most common task you get asked to complete during a refit? Is it to change an interior layout or upgrade old deck gear?

It depends on the owner’s requirements. Most refits start with a major job list such as re-painting topsides, replacing teak decks, interior layout alterations or re-rigging. This list often grows, however, to include other less obvious requirements.


How can I be sure that my keel bolts are failsafe?

Nothing can be guaranteed, but checking keel bolts should be part of your routine maintenance. If in doubt, keel nuts can be checked for tension, or individual keel bolts drawn for visual or NDT inspection.


Contact Berthon’s Yacht Refit & Repair Manager, Robin Milledge, on +44 (0)1590 647436

berthon november


A 38ft Buchanan Queen Class in Berthon’s finishing booth, awaiting her top coats

Berthon November

An interior layout can be changed during a refit