Here is the website for your free VHF licence

Ofcom is the licensing authority for ships’ radio in the UK. Licences are currently issued by the Royal Mail Radio Licensing Centre on behalf of Ofcom. However, from 1 December 2006 Ofcom will take over the licensing process and introduce a free online lifetime licensing service.

The new online system will reduce the administration and cost for over 68,000 martime licensees. This new approach will make it easier for ships’ radio users to comply with legal obligations concerning installation and use of licensed radio equipment. Ofcom has made these changes in close consultation with stakeholders.
From 1 December 2006, Ofcom will:

? provide a web-based licensing service;
? issue ships’ radio licences that are valid for the life of the vessel;
? issue free electronic licences to online users;
? replace all valid licences with new free lifetime licences;
? require licensees to confirm their licence details at least once every 10 years; and
? dispense with the requirement to display the licence disc; however, a copy of the licence must be kept on board the vessel.
Ofcom will continue to make paper licences available for applicants who do not have access to, or prefer not to use the internet. However, those applying via a paper-based application will be subject to a £20 administration charge.

The new system will be available through the Ofcom website at on 1 December 2006.