A Cruising Association campaign to reverse laws in Greece restricting the amount of time a yacht can remain in Greek waters has proved successful
EU considering DIY antifouling ban
The European Union could ban the use of antifouling by DIY boat owners. Help the British Coatings Federation stop this happening by taking this survey
Tilting lock ‘submerges’ yachts under low bridges
Dutch engineers have invented a 'tilting lock' that will add 8 meters clearance for yachts to pass under low bridges
Tom Cunliffe podcast: May 2015
‘Having to brass up to lie in what have always been free anchorages is another burden on our creaking cruising budgets’ My first experience of Internet-based weather forecasting for sailors…
Suffolk dredger guilty of yacht death
Guilty verdict given to Chief Mate at helm of the dredger Shoreway that hit and sank the yacht Orca, killing one of her crew
Dick Durham podcast January 2015
“The operating manual is smothered in oily fingerprints and smells of diesel” What were two men doing zig-zag- ging across a theatre forecourt as light summer rain began to soak…
Record entry for Classic Channel Regatta
Boats from all over Europe will descend on Dartmouth
Daring Laser dinghy dash across North Sea
To raise cash for RNLI
Brit awards at METS
Flying the flag
New scheme could see Belgians relax over red diesel
Collaboration between marinas in England, Belgium and France